Engineering Design

In Air Conditioning System

At PICL, we thrived to make our motors with the best quality, high efficiency and customized for every need of the appliance industry and manufacturing plants. Manufactured in a world class facility, these motors are nothing short of small robust machines, which makes the whole product function with glee.

BLDC (Brushless DC Electric Motor)

BLDC motors also known as electronically commutated motors (ECMS, EC motors) are synchronous that are powered by a DC electric source via an integrated inverter/switching power supply, which produces an AC electric signal to drive the motor.

Research And Development

PICL is having state of the art R&D centre located in Faridabad with a team of highly skilled engineers working on electrical & mechanical designing of products along with the reliability testing of the products. Our R&D team ensures that every design is validated with different software’s before making the sample. Software like Ansys, Speed, JMAG etc are used for electrical design simulation while mechanical designs are simulated with Solid Works and AutoCad.

Semi-Anechoic Chambers

The Semi-Anechoic chamber, is typically used to house the motors for performing measurements of noise and vibration with a high degree of accuracy & provide a precision- grade free field environment used to measure sound source directivity, frequency response, and noise emissions from spherically radiating sound sources.

Tests & Standards

Sound Power Level Measurement to BS ISO 3744 / ISO 3745 and BS 4196

Sound & Vibration FFT Analysis

Achieving efficiency and minimizing vibration requires the detection of motor faults and imbalances. To establish the noise level of an electric motor or ensure that it does not introduce vibration into the FCUS, washing machine it will be fitted in, real-time noise and vibration analysis are required. The measurement requirements can either be imposed from customers or be part of internal quality assurance procedures. They may include spot noise measurements, measurement to OEM or industry standards, and impact testing. For a generalized real time analysis system, we propose a system based on data recording and real time analysis software

The system enables us to perform FFT and CPB (1/n-octave) analysis, generate reports, and record data for further post-processing.

Environmental Reliability Tests

Every day, our motors are used in the various comers of the World. They are subjected to extreme temperatures and must withstand the heaviest duty mechanical stress. Due to continuous technological innovation these conditions are more and more frequent. In order to stress the products beyond their operating conditions and to assess their reliability over the years these kind of tests are performed: mechanical tests in the presence of vibrations and shocks, or with static and dynamic inclination, electrical life and overload tests, extreme thermal cycles in climatic rooms (-40″+180°C, 98% RH) or in corrosive atmospheres. Polar climates or wide temperature ranges, humidity and corrosive atmospheres can be reproduced with the test technologies used in the Laboratory.

To make sure they are able to stand up to this rough treatment, we test all the components at Arctic temperatures (-40°C) through to the hottest temperatures of the most scorching desert. That’s not all. To make sure that they are sturdily built, we apply thermal shocks that bring our motors from -40°C to 180°C with a very high humidity rate (98% RH).

Material Tests

The ‘Material testing Laboratory meets the need for information and measurements imposed by the continual technological innovation featured by today’s metal industry. The vast array of tests the laboratory is able to perform Include tensile, compressive and flexural strength tests and electrical resistance tests. In addition, the laboratory is equipped with a metallurgical microscope, Quick scope QS-L2010Z/AFB, Surface roughness test SJ-210 and analytical balancer.

Motor Load Test

The facility incorporates equipment for high-precision measurements of motor dynamic performance, load capability and efficiency that enables customers to find the optimal system for their application, helping reduce costs, equipment size and energy consumption. Test comprises motor dynamics, load ability, efficiency at different load points, customizable load points.